
  • Boredom Busters …Guaranteed!

    It’s week 4 of lock-In and thankfully boredom has yet to set in.
    Here’s a selection of things that have been keeping us busy.
    Stuff that we’ve loved learning, making and having fun with. Hopefully you will too!
  • Rainbow Art Projects (Boredom Busters Part 2!)

    One thing that has proven wonderful for mental health is art!
    And, given the circumstances, what could be better than making some cheery artwork to decorate your home? 

    Here are a couple of bright, rainbow coloured art projects we have loved.
    Give them a go and let us know!

  • Change Makers Part 3: Q&A With Tassy Swallow – Pro-Surfer & founder of Surf Ratz

    Empowering these little legends to believe they can be anything they want to be is my number one goal and reason for having the club, and I do this using the ocean and the beach!” says Tassy Swallow the inspiring British Champion Pro-Surfer, mentor to young girls, founder of Tassy’s Surf Ratz & St Ives Surf House. Tootsa chatted to her about her work to promote female solidarity and confidence.
  • Change Makers Part 2: Q&A With Benjamin Clifford, Director of ‘Surfability’

    Surfing and activism go hand-in-hand and as such we would like to introduce you to some surfers and ‘change makers’ using their passion for the greater good!
  • Change Makers Part 1: Q&A With Pete Lewis – Director of Fundraising & Operations at Surfers Against Sewage

    Inspired by the incredible work our charity partner, the environmental organisation Surfers Against Sewage do we are launching a series of interviews with people who have used surfing as a platform to make a positive impact within their communities. 

    To kick off our ’Changemakers’ series we chatted to Pete Lewis – Director of Fundraising & Operations of Surfers Against Sewage about why families need to stop using single use plastic and eight simple ways they can make a difference. 

  • Introducing Changemakers Q&As

    This summer Tootsa is collaborating with environmental charity Surfers Against Sewage, a charity we, as a bunch of surfers, have supported since our launch.  Through our sweatshirts and T-shirts we want to help raise money and awareness of all the work this incredible charity does, from the volunteer beach cleans across the UK to the plastic free schools project.
  • Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, and now Repair!

    Being Eco-conscious is a top priority for Tootsa and so we’ve added the 4th and final R to our sustainable credentials – Repair!
  • Take A Peek Inside Our Factory

    I’ve recently returned from a trip to visit our fabulous factory nestled in the hills above Braga in Northern Portugal. I filmed the process (on my phone!) for our Instagram feed but thought to also post it for you here.
  • Help Refugees

    It’s World Refugee Day and this year we are joining the United Nations in commemorating the strength, courage and perseverance of millions of refugees.

  • Recycle Your Tootsa Clothes For Charity | #TootsaReuseRecycle

    At Tootsa, we are big advocates of the make-do-and-mend movement and firm believers that to re-use is the ultimate form of re-cycling – it’s the initiative that will have the least impact on the environment!
  • Twinning Is Winning

    Due to demand we’ve re-stocked the shelves with Adult fox jumpers and added a new beautiful Deep Blue colour version.
    To celebrate we are giving away fox jumpers for you and your little ones.
  • Holiday Chat with Five Inspiring Instagram mums | + Win Prizes!

    We’ve asked some inspiring women & mothers to tell us what makes a summer holiday special to them and share their #Welovetootsa pics.