Rainbow Art Projects (Boredom Busters Part 2!)
One thing that has proven wonderful for mental health is art!
And, given the circumstances, what could be better than making some cheery artwork to decorate your home?
Here are a couple of bright, rainbow coloured art projects we have loved.
Give them a go and let us know!
1) Make A Yarn Wrapped Rainbow
Ruby made a miniature one using just 4 colours which is really cute and easy to do in just an hour or so. The bigger ones do take a lot longer, however they are the perfect activity to accompany a cosy evening (or 4!) in front of Netflix!
What you need:
Rope (or string) – we have 12mm cotton rope but you can also use several
strands of string bound together.
Yarn – Ruby chose wool. Any colourful yarn will do, I really like using colourful hemp.
Sharp Scissors.
Masking or Washi Tape.
Thin Garden Wire.
Strong Glue.
A Little Brush to finish!
How to instructions (in the video here!):